Madhav Science College came into existence in the year 1969, with a commitment to the cause of education and with an idea of nation-building. Today, MVM has evolved into a gateway of excellence. It has proved itself, not only in Academics but also in co-curricular activities. A close look at the University Rank Holders in various subjects, as well as the number of rewards won by the students, have added feathers to our Cap. The phenomenal academic achievements of our students have always added glory to the College by securing high ranks. The College has a tradition of excelling in sports and extra-curricular activities, which our students continue to bring us laurels at the University and Inter-University levels. This bears testimony to the rich tapestry that characterizes MVM.The record of our Excellence has been acknowledged. We are also proud to be ranked “A++” Grade with a CPGA of 3.8 on the scale of 4  by NAAC Bengaluru. Ours is a science college that has embraced arts and Commerce too to give students academic flexibility. The tapestry that characterizes MVM. We are the proud participant of the Institutional innovation council and nodal Centre for Virtual Labs IIT Delhi. This has added to the curricular activities taken up by the college.

MVM stands for leadership along with social responsibility. As a commitment to social responsibility, Our College provides various schemes to deserving students, as well as Scholarship Programs. This helps students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds to enrich themselves and help them achieve their aims and complete their dreams. Our students participate in many Outreach Programs which allow them to transform themselves. It also enhances their capability and strength

Ours is also an environmentally conscious Institution. The Principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle are followed by us. Several initiatives have been taken by us to reduce our carbon footprints. Our College cares for the Individual Development of each and every student. Prime Importance is given to the behavioral discipline, moral integrity, and cognitive development of our students. Our Teachers strive to teach not only academic programs but also life skills needed for student development with highly resourceful faculty.

We aim to evaluate our students on the basis of their physical, mental, social, emotional, and intellectual development. The last few years have been extremely successful and satisfying in terms of accomplishments and accolades in scholastic, co-scholastic, and infrastructural areas.

I wish the best of fortune, peace, and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading education and its manifest qualities, aims, and objectives.

Prof. Harish Vyas
Prof. of Botany
M.V.M. Ujjain.

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