Departmental Profile

Department of Pharmaceutical


To achieve excellence in educational courses and scientific research and provide community services in the field of design and synthesis of new drugs and pharmaceutical quality control. To be a value – driven Institute providing quality education in science which thrives for providing scholar with concern and care for environment and society that will best serve the nation in the

21st century.


Pharmaceutical chemistry department aims to develop educational, research, social and service activities and deploy advanced and clear concept of chemical, biological sciences and theories of drug action and raise the level of research in the field of design and analysis of drugs.


  1. Sc. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  2. Sc. in Drug and pharmaceutical Chemistry



In Pharmaceutical department available research facilities for all chemistry students. Various types of instruments available in pharmaceutical department. Chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry department provided various instrumental training to all chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry students.


  1. Pharmaceutical chemistry students achieved rank in University M.Sc. Examination.
  2. 100% placement record for all M.Sc. pass out students.
  3. Students involve in various cultural activities.
  4. Students involve in various educational activities like
  5. Students involve in various social activities like member of Future farmer Club etc.
  6. 2 students start a business of mushroom cultivation. (Workshop provided for students)


  1. Curriculum Aspects: –
    • Curriculum Design and Development:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry department of Govt. Madhav Science P.G. College Ujjain was established in 2008. In this year B.Sc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry course is run. After some time, M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Chemistry course was started in 2010 in this department. The main aim of this course to enable the student the learning of pharmaceutical Chemistry, main branch of Chemistry. After Joining this course student will able to join any pharmaceutical company after M.Sc. completion.

  • Academic Flexibility: With a vision to harnessing the pharma department offers many skills centric programs in this course. After joining this course student will not only learn about the course but student will learn various Instrumental training and other small courses.
  • Curriculum Enrichment: – Introduction of curriculum based on the current trends in industry and research. For this the department conducts Seminars and workshop and experts talks to gather feedback regarding their relevance and appropriateness’s in catering to the needs of the society, economy and environment.
  • Feedback System: Feedback is regularly obtained from students in the form of E-mails, online surveys, alumni-meets and informal conversation.


  1. Teaching Learning Evaluation
    • Student Enrollment and Profile: –To ensure publicity and availability of seats in every pharmaceutical program it is advertised through print as well as electronic media. Admission of various programs are made as per the guidelines by the Govt. of India.
    • Catering to Student Diversity: –In order to analyze their different requirement , the department from time to time conduct surveys to identify different groups of students on the basis of their learning capabilities and uses this data to plan preparatory classes for these students . Department also appoints a student – counselor to discuss, understand and resolve day to day problems faced by the students.

Department offers remedial classes for SC/ ST/ OBC/ minorities and poorly – performing students. These classes are conducted by the departments.

  • Teaching Learning Process: –The Department adopts well defined teaching learning methodologies which delineate preparation of unit wise plans before the commencements of new semester. Department also plans its curricular, co- curricular activities for the whole year.

Instrumental training provided for students and NET classes also available for students

  • Teacher Quality: –The Department has always given Prime importance to quality teaching practice through well trained trainers. Department regularly organize training program, seminar, workshop etc. to address the key issues pertaining to upgradation of the way teaching is practiced within the campus.
  • Evaluation Process and reforms: The Entire examination process is absolutely transparent. Question papers are designed by external question setters incorporating equal number of questions for every unit. Theory exam is conducted by university.
  • Student Performance and Learning Outcome: The post graduate (M.Sc.) courses are planned and design to achieve the articulate attributes set by the UGC as well as the university. This is done through teaching, learning and evaluation process by adopting participative learning.  Writing ability, presentation – communication are inculcated through seminar using power point presentation followed by interactive session.  The assignment and report writing improve the writing ability.

The learning outcomes are collected through the regular informal interaction in the classes, Unit wise tests, internal assessment scheme, home assignment, seminar presentation, small project report and mid –term examination as well as annual examination and semester examination.

  1. Research, Consultancy and Extension: –Research facility available in this department.


  1. Infrastructure and Learning resources
    • Physical Facilities: –Pharmaceutical department has a sufficient academic and laboratory area. All physical facility available in this department to provide the student.
    • Library as learning Resources: – Pharma department has a big library as a learning source. Department has a various reference book library contain something 800 books.
    • IT Infrastructure: – In pharmaceutical department has 4 computer system which are used for all purpose. Three system contain window 7 and only one system has window 10. Three system contain 2 GB RAM and only one system contain 10 GB RAM. All these systems connected on broad band Wi-Fi. The Band width is 20 MBPS.
    • Maintenance of campus facilities: –Pharmaceutical department has a campus and a garden these are maintain by lab attendant of pharma department.
  2. Student Support and Progression
    • Student mentoring and support:-The department has well developed system for student support and mentoring . The functional and structural characteristic are defined . Department support student empowerment and their holistic development .the department is having committees to meet the requirements of different categories of students.
    • Student Progression:-The department is analyzed wherein the pass percent of P.G. courses is more than 95 % while the pass percent of U.G. courses is more than 90% during last four year.
    • Student participation and Activities:- Student will participate the various culture , social activities and also various academic and administrative activities.
  3. Governance , Leadership and Management
    • Institutional Vision and Leadership :- Departmental vision To achieve excellence in educational courses and scientific research and provide community services in the field of design and synthesis of new drugs and pharmaceutical quality control. To be a value – driven Institute providing quality education in science which thieves for providing scholar with concern and care for environment and society that will best serve the nation in the 21 st
    • Strategy Development and Deployment:-Department regularly conduct the meeting of faculty in order to train and groom their office procedures , academics support services. All the teaching faculty of department are recruited through merit bases. All laboratories/workshop are provided and fully established for various courses/ discipline by providing space, furniture, equipment, experimental setups .
    • Faculty Empowerment Strategies:- Faculty have joined FDP courses. Faculty are engaged in conducting activities such as oriental courses . A self Assessmentperforma is designed for faculty. Faculty improve their education and attend various courses related to subject.
    • Financial Management and Resources Mobilization:-The finance committee of college monitors the annual budget of the department . The Janbhagidari samite has a mechanism for internal and external audit . The internal audit is done through  Internal audit session . every bill is passed through this section only after per audit .
    • IQAS:-The Internal Quality Assurance Cell is established in the college and IQAC will ensure the conducts academic and administrative audit of the all departments of college.
  4. Innovation and Best Practices
    • Environmental Consciousness:-Frequent plantation drives are taken up to keep the campus green. Keeping in pace with swach Bharat Abhiyan of the Govt. of india , a clean line inside the campus is maintained. Pharmaceutical Chemistry construct the Nursey of medicinal plant .
    • Innovation:-Innovations made in academic and related activities speak of the progress of the department. Some of the Innovations include :Paperless work ,  CCE system is Partially computerized.
    • Best Practices:-
  5. Cartoon Making Competition
  6. Mushroom Cultivation Program
  7. Working model and Poster making competition.



  1. 112 Elements cartoon making competition.

50 students went to Indore for  2 days Entrepreneurship workshop on mushroom , cultivation  , this facility provided by HOD of pharmaceutical chemistry department.







Assistant Professor
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