Departmental Profile

Department of Computer Application & Computer Science

Computer Science and Application course in Government Madhav Science College was started in the year 2000 in a self-finance manner in view of the increasing use of Computer Science and Application. Computer Science course was started at the undergraduate level. Initially, there were minimum 80 Students admitted in Computer Science subject, but as the importance of the subject was understood, the percentage of students’ admission in the department increased every year. In view of the trend of the students in the course, the postgraduate degree and diploma course has also been started by the department in the year 2020.

75 computers with window licence available in proportion to the 600 students admitted in the UG and PG are available in the department in running condition. Excellent professors have been arranged by the department for the study and academic work of the students and qualified lab technicians have been arranged by the department for practical work.

Along with the classroom teaching various other modern methods of teaching (Models, LCD Projector, PPT Presentation and Interactive Board, Software like visual studio, oracle etc.) are also adopted. For the continuous and comprehensive evaluation of the student’s different patterns like Assignment, Objective test, Group discussion, Viva voce, seminars etc. are adopted. To keeps faculties updated with the latest trends and increases their reading ability library visit is mandatory for the faculty members every day. The students also visit the library regularly. They are benefited by the information which they get by reading the course books, Reference books.

Research areas:

 Out of 03 faculty 01 faculty are registered for PhD Programme in Vikram University Ujjain

 Research areas are:

Computer Networking.







Anil Kumar Prajapati
M.Sc. (CS) M.Phil. (CS)
PhD Pursuing
Guest Faculty
Shikha Shivaliya
M.Sc. (CS) M.Phil. (CS)
Guest Faculty
Anshu Joshi
M.Sc. (CS)
Guest Faculty
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